Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hope for new life

Our family loves avocados, with a passion.  We would be lost if the humble avo disappeared.

A few months ago after finishing another delicious avocado, the seed and skins were put in our compost bin. We forgot all about it until Richard was working over the compost to make it extra special for our vege garden.  Amongst all the muck was that little avocado seed.  It had split down the middle and a tiny shoot was growing out of it.  Again, amazed at our growing ability, we stuck it in a pot with some soil and put it in the garage to protect it from the cold mornings.  For many, many, many weeks it sat under the shoe rack, completely forgotten by all.  Nobody talked to it, watered it or even looked at.

It was only 2 weeks ago that with great surprise, its shoot had stuck its head above the surface, against all odds, it had survived.  Taking that as a sign from some higher gardening power, we decided it was time to nurture and love this little battler.  So inside it came, to sit by the sunny window and be watered every other day.  I talk to it as I go by and today, Amy even read it a story.

Speaking to my Mum on skype last night, she reminded me as I proudly showed her our newest family member, that avocados don't grow in the South Island.  Like a red rag to a bull, I am determined to be the first.  This little avocado is the very reason I now need (and soon) a glasshouse.  Having read they can grow to 15 metres I am still not deterred, that is what pruning is for.  So I am loving our little plant and determined to have it survive.

In an update, having just done some research, I have found a woman in Invercargill that is growing an avocado in a pot in her kitchen and has just grown her first edible avocado! There is hope!  A tree after 7 years can produce 200 avocados a year - we would eat at least 4 a week, at $2 each that is alot.  Self sustainability here we come.

I have this little glasshouse planned down to the last nail and it will be my little oasis.  I have even planned a lock - on the inside!  There is a demolition yard near us that I visited and my plans took on a whole new, grander dimension.  With all the houses being demolished around Christchurch they were overflowing with stunning arched windows, bay and picture windows, doors of every size, colour and even detailed with stained glass.  There is a small possibility that this design stays in my dreams, but after all I can dream!

Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome.
    And you will eat an avocado from that tree. I can't see any reason why not.
